Missy Franklin

Missy Franklin, 16, is by all accounts a swimming prodigy. She stands 6’2″. Her feet are size 13. She’s blessed with the “boat” – a long, tall frame with long, flipper-like arms and like Michael Phelps, her wingspan is longer than she is tall.

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Kara Lynn Joyce

Three months before worlds, four-time Olympic Silver medalist Kara Lynn Joyce, 25, joined Missy and the Colorado Stars in Colorado. Unlike the teenage Missy and the rest of her Colorado teammates, Kara is a professional swimmer, and on her own.

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Coach Todd

Their coach, Todd Schmitz, 32, has been coaching Missy since she was 6; the two have grown up together. Todd employs a somewhat unorthodox coaching style – make swimming fun. “Swimming is about fundamentals. But you can’t spell fundamental without F-U-N,” he says. He’s young, energetic, and passionate. At meets he’s extremely animated, often the loudest coach on the deck.


D. A.

D.A. Franklin, M.D is Missy’s mom and her all-around manager. She’s always the first one in the stands, and she hasn’t missed a meet in years. In order to manage Missy’s career, she’s taking a year’s sabbatical from her medical practice.



Dick Franklin is a veteran of the corporate world, having worked with and for many of North America’s biggest companies. He’s currently CEO of Rocky Mountain Green Tech and an environmental consultant. He loves getting up at 4:30am to drive Missy to practice.