
Grant Barbeito


Born in Denver, Colorado, Grant Barbeito began making films at Colorado University and quickly realized this was going to be a passion and way of life. He studied film at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and was accepted to Sundance with his thesis film RUBEN. After working for years at MTV in Times Square and heading up production teams for internet startups he moved to Los Angeles to start his own web site for social good: Earth Protect. He makes films to change the way people think and to hopefully make the world a better place.


Christo Brock


Born and raised close to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Christo has been a sports fan his whole life, cheering mostly for his hometown teams. Christo studied film and theatre at Dartmouth College before moving to Los Angeles to study film at the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. While there he studied editing with Kate Amend and directing under Mark Harris, among others.

Read more about our filmmaking process or learn how to see the film.